Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bull Shiavo!!

Are the Republicans Serious??? They claim to be the party of conservativism, the party of freedom, yet they attempt to usurp the rights of the people to determine the manner of their care and their death!! Any true conservative should be outraged at this abuse of power

When a government micro-legislates in order to advance a social agenda, it is a clear warning of THIEVES IN THE GUARD HOUSE!!! Who are these people, where did they come from? How do they think that it is in the interests of freedom to wrest away a mans legal right to cary out his spouses wishes because THEY think they know what's best for us?

I am so angry about all of this. At first I was indifferent, i don;t know the woman, and I don't really care what happens to her. But when the Republicans start creating law, without regard to the liberties of the rest of us, in order to advance some hypocritical "right to Life" BS, it angers me. Why is it that right-to-lifers issue death-threats? (If you haven't heard, Micheal Shiavo is receiving death threats).

If they were all so interested in saving lives, why the hell don;t they put as much effort into saving the people of Darfur?? Why is Terri Shiavo so damned important? Is Genocide less important than a families euthanasia dilemma?

WAKE UP PEOPLE - they don't care about Terri Shiavo, they want to use this event as a wedge in the next election!!! They want to use it as a spring board to tighten their grip on you, and keep the zealots foaming at the mouth.

End rant. Sorry I lost it for a minute.


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